Trinity, Relational Wholeness, and Love

10 02 2012

The gents over at Prodigal Kiwi(s) have posted today on Trinitarian theology and human relatedness. Worth a read:

I’ve heard of Stephen Seamands, but I’ve never read his books – typically popular books found in most Christian Bookshops, but recently Canadian friend Len Hjalmarson drew my attention to one of his more recent books – Ministry in the Image of God: The Trinitarian Shape of Christian Service.

In the section “Our Need for Relational Wholeness” (Chapter), he quotes Stephen Stratton from his excellent (albeit brief) article titled:Trinity, Attachment, and Love (well worth a read!). Stratton writes:

“…Love is revealed in a dance of self-giving and self-limiting movement. It grows out of a dynamic balance of relational boundaries where self can be asserted for the sake of another and self can be denied for the sake of another

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Trinitarian theology & ministry

18 10 2011