Ancient-Future Faith (introduction)

26 11 2007

Ancient-Future Faith: Rethinking Evangelicalism for a Postmodern World
by Robert E Webber
Published 1999, Baker Books

Robert Webber states (pg.7), “The burden of Ancient-Future Faith is to say that the road to the future runs through the past.”

 Robert Webber brought a distinct voice to the debates about culture, evangelism and discipleship, worship, spirituality and mission. He was able to listen to the many sides in these debates across the centuries and bring them together, not in comprise but convergence. He, and others, saw the strength of such an alliance.

This book was written to address three concerns: to find roots in the biblical and ancient world; to make connections with the church throughout history and around the world; and to establish an authentic faith and practice in a post-Christian world.

What is ancient-future?

Ancient-future is a movement with similarities to the emerging church movement.

It’s similarities are that it practitioners are concerned about the impact of postmodernity upon the Christian faith, and its call for Christian leaders and congregations to engage in dialogue about how churches can engage the new cultural context.

This is the starting point of chapter one, “Paradigm Thinking”.

Webber warns that American evangelicalism’s historical rootlessness and acculturation to modernity leave it unprepared to deal with postmodern culture and to reach postmodern souls.



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